Should I stay quiet?


My family’s fallen into another rough patch. We are being kicked out of house in a couple of weeks if mum can’t find anymore money, we keep getting bills that we can’t pay, mum is having a baby in 4 weeks that’s not even from my step-dad. My sister has fallen into drugs (the very same we grew up around) and I drink occasional (she’s 16 and I’m 15) and my granddad and my step-dad are going to die soon. I’m not talking to my sister anymore because of an argument and recently we found out she was cutting.

I finally convinced myself that I was sick and I needed to stay home and when I woke up my mum said she wanted to talk to me. I got up and walked over to her and she started crying. It had been at least 4 years since I’ve seen my mother cry and she was bawling, I then cuddle her and asked her what’s wrong and she said she saw cut marks on my sisters arm.

I wanted to cry but I didn’t for the sake of my mum, so I stayed quite and let her cry into my shoulder. I didn’t know how to react because I was actually going to confess to my mum that day that I had almost killed myself (purposely) and I had been self harming for a while.

I have been self harming for a few years now and the only reason my mother hasn’t found out is because I usually cut my legs (I usually wear long pants), scratch my body and try to peel of my skin, burn my skin with a lighter or I run boiling water down my body in the shower. This has being going on for a few years now to the point where it feels natural.

Of course I blamed myself for what’s happened and I know my mum blamed me for what’s happened with my sis too cause she kept saying to me a few days before that she’s getting depressed because I’m not talking to her and every time she did I would go cry I’m my room. After my mum finished crying she said she wasn’t as strong as I am. Which hurt. I promised I would talk to her when she came home and I was going to but she came home 3-4 hours late stoned.

I was so fucking angry I didn’t even look at her. I’m not sure if I even should talk to her anymore. I don’t want to talk to my mum about my problems because I feel selfish about it and that she would blame herself for my problems and become isolated and depressed. I don’t think I’ve told anyone about my problems to anyone that isn’t on this website so I’m not sure what to do.

And to be honest its kind of embarrassing. I’m not sure what I should do anymore, I feel selfish ending my life because I know it would break my mothers heart and I feel bad for confessing my problems because it would weigh and worry her to much. And I just want to cry all the time.

I’m so lost as to what to do and I just think I’m self loathing or pitiful or selfish or disgusting for worrying her with such things.

And I just really need some answers as to what I should do. Any help would be appreciated.

Category: Tags: asked March 6, 2014

1 Answer

Wow, that's a lot to handle. I'm proud of you for being able to talk to us about it, and proud that you think we are worthy to help you. Technically, Q and A is not meant for public venting, so I'll be brief and I've added you as a friend, we can talk more privately.
My personal view on drugs/alcohol, self-harm, and depression is that giving in to any of them doesn't help to change your circumstance. I don't think you should hate yourself, you have plenty of stress to worry about, I believe it is natural to feel lost or afraid in your situation. I also don't think you should hate your sister, she is going through the same things you are going through, and is, most likely, just as afraid and lost as you are. I expect she turns to drugs for the oblivion it brings, or to escape the life she currently is living. I don't think it's right to hate her for her weakness or her fear.
As for telling your mother, she may already have tons of stress, but she loves you. I am certain that she will want to know what is happening, in regards to your self-harm, and your other problems. It could also be good to encourage your sister to talk about this, possibly on of the reasons she is having more trouble than you is her lack of a good support system. You might invite her to this website, it could possibly be helpful or encouraging for her.
The most important thing though, is to remain calm. If you speak to anyone about this, do not get angry, remain calm and try to keep them from getting angry as well. Let all your words be full of calm, and good/kind intentions. Your family will pick up on it, and may react by also remaining calm.
I will send you a private message with this same note so we can continue talking there.