Should I leave my fiance he has/had a gambling problem?


He has confessed he has a gambling problem but wil not say anything more he has a high paying Job but always says he has no money and when I ask where does it go he said he just spends it and won’t tell me where and Denys its in gambling. Said he stopped gambling. I have a lot financially and I’m scared of the legalities after marriage

asked June 19, 2013

2 Answers

His addiction to gambling and spending all his money is a problem, especially since he will have access to your finances too after getting married. Since you probably love him, I suggest helping him work through his problems and maybe just postpone the marriage until you can trust him to responsibly take care of his money. Don't give up, you and him can both get through this! :)
I agree with the above poster. If you love him and feel like your relationship can get through this, postpone the marriage and get him some help. Keep in mind, the fact that he's lying to you about it probably isn't because he doesn't trust you. With an addiction like that, it's their main priority and they find ways to make everything work around it. He could be the best guy you'll ever meet and just be consumed by this addiction. If you keep trying and trying and he either refuses outright, or you just see that it isn't helping at all, I think that at that point, you should leave him. As much as it would suck to have to do so, it might be what he needs to clean up his act. Either way, getting yourself into a situation where you worry about your own financial stability is NOT good, so think about yourself in all of this as well. Good on you for considering leaving as an option and not just telling yourself that it will work out because you love each other.