Should I feel guilty?


Okay, I found a debit card in the middle of no-where it looked old, and I used it online; It was only 15$ and I plan to find the person and give them 20$ back the moment I get money in a few days. I KNOW it was bad to use the card, but it was under dirt and rocks. How do I go about this? Do I feel the guild or what exactly do I do?

Category: Tags: asked July 20, 2014

4 Answers

In all likelihood, that person is not missing that $15, so unless you overdrafted the card, there is no reason to feel any significant guilt.
Alright. I mean, I didn't really want to, but my friends were like"We need you to do this." for my online thing so, I won't feel guilty. Like, I NEVER do this I have a clean record and I know the laws for cyber crime and theft.
Uhm, guilt or not now you left traces while committing credit card fraud, be it your address or your IP.
I will try to track them down and re-pay it. Since that was my original plan, the card is very old, and I hope they will be happy I re-payed them.