Relieving tension or something close to it


Lately i have been getting agrivated at little things. like poppup ads on amaon or too loud music or stuff like that. it makes me ansy and i feel not usually like this yet idk what to really do…sometimes i cant think.

asked May 21, 2014

3 Answers

Try deep breathing excersises, it helps calm a person down when they are mad. Also, try getting a little more sleep. The less sleep a person has, the more negative they are
maybe you've been going through more stress than usual or something has been bothering you, I've always been a really calm person but about a month ago there was a week where I suddenly became really anxious and I think it was from stress, so I'd suggest listening to relaxing songs as simple as it might be, and try taking naps if you ever feel exhausted in any way, and even if don't usually do this I think releasing stress through physical exercises can help most of the time. Taking a shower or a bath can help too, sorry if I'm saying too much at once, I'm just typing everything that crosses my mind in terms of relieving tension :D
hmm i thought it was normal.. are you on mobile? if not you can get a pop ub blocker, thats what I had to do on my computer. i hate loud music now and thats so weird cuz i always felt the louder the better... i think you just need to calm yourself by just reminding yourself those are little things.. f*ck it!