Relationship problem is starting to affect to my health! :(


Hello. I’m posting my question to get some advice on this and get over this.
It is starting to affect indigestion!!

I met this guy who was 27 a few months ago.(I’m 24) He was a European guy. On the third date, I felt so connected I ended up sleeping with him. I didn’t have any intention of getting in a serious relationship because I was planning to go abroad around 8 months later. I’d always wanted to live abroad at least for a year and thought that this time would be perfect time in my life.

But after the day, I started worrying and regretting what I did that night. My friends said I shouldn’t have done that early. I admitted I was affected by those comments.

After three weeks, we met again but I was so defensive around him. A week after we met, I told him the truth and he said he felt disconnected too and suggested staying friends for a while.
We ended up meeting again but we both didn’t feel the same way as before.

After that, we haven’t contacted each other. I know it’s over. And I do want to move on. But I keep regretting, thinking “I should’ve done differently..” After what other people said about my behavior, I started worrying too much and tried to hold on to him. I even contacted him later when I should’ve given him enough time to think.

I think I’m so depressed about the fact that I lost my opportunity to love and be loved by making those mistakes. I regret being impatient and not listening to my inner voice.

Deep down, I think I have this belief that it’s hard to find love again. I’ve had 2 boyfriends so far and it just didn’t often happen to me. I’m afraid that it will take really long time to find someone who loves me..
I know it sounds silly but I do feel like that.
And I’ve had heartburn and indigestion problem for a long time because of stress.
I’d like to change my belief, move on and be happy again. But I still feel like I’m stuck with no way out! Any advice would be appreciated!

Category: Tags: asked December 9, 2013

1 Answer

Oh my goodness, well that sounds rough and ik its been a long time and nobody has answered you so inbox me and tell me how the past 6 months have been?