Question about the sites QnA Guidelines


If you can’t vent during a post here, what’s the point? A lot of times I can be asking a very reasonable and accepted question after a short rant/vent e.g. “This stupid computer is such a piece of garbage. Every time I try to use my internet browser it crashes and starts cursing at me by name…What’s wrong with this idiot machine??”. So is that public venting? This is important because it’s how I ask questions a lot and I don’t want to be reported or deleted which is possible according to the guidelines. Are they really serious you can’t sort of rant or complain anyway while trying to get help? That’s no fun. Surely they must mean you can’t public vent without providing a question because it’s the QnA section right?

Category: Tags: asked October 18, 2013

3 Answers

I've seen people rant on the QnA section before. It's fine.

A lot of people come here posting questions, asking for advice.
Some of them really do want some advice.

But most of these people are actually looking for sympathy, and social support.
Which is okay.

We, as independent human thinkers, are usually completely capable of coming up with the best solutions to our own problems.
Most times, we really don't need for someone else to give us advice, and tell us what to do with our lives.

But "venting," or talking to someone who will listen to us with respect and compassion,
that's what's more important.
That sounds more like a status to be honest, but worst case scenario you get a neg on your question, and it's not like you get banned if you get a lot of those.
Awesome! Thanks for the clarification!