Poly dating advice


(This context is dating, not marriage)

I’ll try make this short: I am a mono kinda person and yet my last two relationships have cheated on me for no reason which I didn’t deserve. I have always been open to new things and Ive met this girl I am head over heels for who is in a poly relationship. as I am new to poly dating relationships could anyone with experiance in poly dating relationships please message me so we can have a chat.

Thank you kindly,

Category: Tags: asked November 22, 2014

3 Answers

Well nothing ventured nothing gained. I was in a poly relationship once. IT ENDED IN A HORRIBLE DYING BALL OF FIRE FROM HELL ITSELF. Hopefully it works out better for you then it did for me. Can't hurt to try.
Well. Unless everyone involved is okay with sharing, then there's just a single thing to say about it in the end. "There can be only one."
I disagree with the advice. In my opinion, the human being is not wired for monogamy. No one person can be absolutely everything to another. It seems your monogamy has caused you pain. The thing you have to ask yourself is whether you are ok with sharing, knowing if she is in an established relationship, the rules are already set and you may never be number 1, except when it's your turn.