Oh Honestly! How 2 put my pic?-How to find people to talk too? Hello? Hello? Is there anybody there


Hello? Hello? Is there anybody out there?
–My daughter just got back from hospital…she has been suicidal…1/listening to her 2/ lots of hugs 3/ getting her to laugh to raise her energy vibration
–It has caused me to concentrate hard to re-balance myself to the law of attraction..i.e. I feel love, I feel gratitude…my mind is at peace…
Now I don’t know that I want or have anything to say… I just want some kind of contact

asked September 6, 2014

2 Answers

I'm here!
you have the anonymous way vent\listen chat or you just search for you q's in the ?Q-n-A tool bar and find the best some who answer it and message him. and i would be happy to help if i can ;)