

So, i keep waking up about 3-4 times a night having really bad dreams. Howeverwhen i first wake up i can remember what they are about and always really detailed but by the time i get up in the morning i cant remember what the dream was about and it really puts a down on my mood having bad dreams all the time. It scares me and i wake up crying or talking in my sleep. my partner is constantly waking me up to get me out the dreams and its starting to really get to me. Its not just occasionally but every night.
Is this normal? or anything i can do to prevent having nightmares? it confuses me not always being able to remember them.

Category: Tags: asked March 26, 2014

3 Answers

Psychologists believe that dreams are our sleeping brains trying to work out what we can't in waking life. There are plenty of sites online that are about decoding our dreams. The Dream Dictionary is a great example. Search anything you can remember from your dream, from colors, buildings, people and archetypes. Anything, no matter how seemingly unimportant. After that, it's all about piecing your dream symbols together. A red balloon means something different than a red door, so pay close attention. It may seem vague, but once you have all the pieces, the problem should become clear. If you need help with the decoding, PM me, and I can walk you through it.Best of luck!
I have had similar experiences, I always have really vivid dreams and a lot of the time they're quite horrible. I keep a dream journal to document all of my dreams and most of the time i find that sleeping tablets help. They keep me in a deep sleep and usually i don't dream while using them. Also, I find that burning incense before I go to sleep usually gives me nicer dreams as it's something to do with senses being connected to the brain and obviously nice smells will have nice connotations. Hope it get's better!
dreams are great, but nightmares or bad so try to forget and don't pay attention at all, also try to fix the problems in your life that causing this nightmares, nightmares usually come from stress and exhausting life style, take a vacation and do something new. (that an personal opinion i'm not an expert) i hope that could help you :)