Nervous about talking to guys?


Im finally a teenager… but im always shy around guys and I don’t talk to them a lot. all of my friends get a lot of texts from the guys in my grade but I don’t. and IM the one who will say “hey” first. i guess im attractive, but too shy for guys? im not shy with my friends… and idk what happens when a cute guy talks to me. why do I do this? I feel like I’ve messed things up with my crush… probs cause IM AFRAID OF TALKING TO HIM. I don’t know what to do anymore.. my friend invited boys over and me and one of them said “that was like the 2nd word you said today.” please help.

Category: Tags: asked September 2, 2013

2 Answers

Coming from a guy, confidence is amazing. Guys love girls who text first, suggest plans, and overall just seem comfortable. That is not the only criteria concerning what guys like, however. Me personally, I like the cute, shy girls, because they are usually some of the kindest and most fun (because you really don't expect them to be), so be happy with your personality :). Honestly, just do what you want to do, and the guys who are worth anything to you will be there as well, and if you do what you love to do, it'll boost your confidence as well. As Bee said, go with a friend! Make sure it is a friend you are super comfortable with. As you two start talking, the guy will be able to get to know you and talk to you on the same level. Good luck! Go get em!
Hey, it's alright, lovely. I can promise you, almost everyone gets shy around cute boys (or girls if that's their thing, but you get the point). It's NOTHING to be ashamed or worried about. I'm 16, in grade 10. All of my friends started dating in, like, grade 6. Boys never, ever talked to me then. And they still barely do now, four years later. The key is being confident in yourself! I'm sure you're beautiful. Wear a cute outfit, show yourself off. And although I know it's scary, don't be afraid to say 'hi' to a cute guy at school, or somewhere. He'll probably say 'hi' back. You sound like you just need to get out of your shell a little bit. And if a guy blows you off, or rejects you, he just doesn't deserve you. If you're afraid of talking to a boy by yourself, maybe ask a friend if they'd come with. It's usually much easier to talk to boys, especially if he's one you don't already know, if you have a friend there to talk along with you guys; to keep the convo moving if it gets awkward, etc. Just be confident! That's the key. I believe in you. :)