My parents won’t let me date this guy?


Hi guys so there is this guy i really like but he is 19 and i am 16. So my parents won’t let me date him because he will be kind of my first boyfriend and they don’t want me to date an older guy like him. What should i do? Should i try to persuade them because he is a straight A student and he is very nice etc. Or should i lie to them?

Category: asked December 21, 2013

7 Answers

You're boyfriend and you don't have such a big age gap. Persuade them, tell them that you are in high school. Although lying makes things worse, white lying to hurt no ones feelings are good. Bringing out could qualities like straight A student, nice person, asexual (which is a great relief for parents), etc. Parents are always scared, but maybe reminding them of their own past is good.
Lying to them now will probably make things worse in the long run. Perhaps if you introduce them to him, if you haven't already?
As harsh as your parents may seem to you by acting this way they are only trying to look after you and protect you. Don't lie to them about anything like this because they'll only resent the situation more, have them meet him so they can see what he's like a person.
neither respect your parents decision they are going to be there for you till the day you die. you probably won't remember this guys name...
They are probably wondering why this guy goes back to high school to date, maybe have them meet him?
they are trying to protect you - your potential boyfriend is old enough to drink, drive and go uni, this opens his world to a number of potential girlfriends and experiences which you cannot join with him because your not of age- are you sure you want to put yourself through that? yes the age gap is only 3 years but 18+ is a transition for adulthood, which is why your parents are being protective because your still a teen and their child.i'd suggest waiting 2 years tbh, if its serious and he is what you think he is, either that or look elsewhere because defying your parents and prooving them wrong after how long will mean nothing, but you don't want to defy your parents and prove them rightgood luck
The only way to go about this is to probably introduce them to each other. Then it won't be a matter of age but rather if your parents like him or not. He is basically an adult and you're still underage so there is a lot of risks that go along with that. Lying to them just calls for a disaster :b