My parents are heavily religious but i am an atheist and i don’t know how to tell them.


parents don’t know and i don’t know what to do

Category: Tags: asked March 7, 2015

5 Answers

I can't agree with the other responses. If you feel you need to tell your parents, then you should tell them for one simple reason: it's not about them, it's about you. I didn't feel the need to tell my Mother, who is deeply religious, that I didn't share her beliefs, but she kept trying to push it on me, so I told her. Yes, she was upset and couldn't understand why. She wanted to debate with me, which I refused because no one wins. Her faith is important to her and I didn't want to be that guy. She still doesn't understand why, but she accepts it and we get along. I'm sure she hopes that my mind will change, but it won't. So, if it's important to you, tell them. They will get over it or they won't.
Unless you have a reason that you REALLY need them to know, it's best to just leave it alone. I've seen an atheist since I was 14. I'm now 20 and I still haven't told my family. I just don't see the point. It would just cause arguments and cause them to constantly worry about my soul.
Do you feel like you really have to tell them? If you do, then the best thing is to get lots of supportive friends together. Subtly hint that maybe you don't share all of your parents beliefs. Take it slowly. But remember that you don't actually have to tell your parents if you're scared, and of course as long as it's not affecting your life negatively. Maybe try tackling one parent at a time? Good luck, whatever you do!
It really isn't necessary to tell your parents that you're an atheist. No matter how you you go about saying it, all they will hear is that word. It's almost taboo. Saying that you don't believe in Christianity or Judaism or Islam or whatever their religion is, will also sound disrespectful, so don't take that route either. Tell them what exactly you believe in, whether it be science, logic, and facts, or absolutely nothing at all. Religion, or lack thereof, is a very personal matter. So don't feel obligated to tell them just because they are your parents.
I don't think you should tell your parents directly. If they do know then you will get into constant arguments about whatever your parents believe in. I told my grandpa this once as a joke, and he took it so seriously. You don't want to go down that path. My brother told me the best strategy is just make very subtle rebellious acts if you don't want to do something that is obligated by their religion. For example if you have to go to church, tell your parents you have a lot of schoolwork. However, I don't know what your circumstances are so you are the only one to work a way around them.