My Mind Is Killing Me


Ever since I could remember, I had a very active mind. As a child I was more into playing pretend than real people, nothing to be worried about back then. Lately, I feel like my thoughts are eating me alive. I can’t shut them up, they scream at me, and point out every flaw, again and again. Its lead me to self harm, because my OWN thoughts are bulling me. I don’t know what to do. I’ve even been lead to question my sanity, like a few years ago, I could have sworn I saw a car standing my my window, but in the morning there was nothing there when we checked the cameras. Again yesterday, I was sitting at my desk and saw a white van perched outside my window, backing up, then moving forward again, repeatedly. I haven’t checked the cameras or even had the will to open my windows.

I have to say, I’m scaring myself. I can’t sleep because of demons, or murderers, or anything at all will keep me up. Am I losing it? I don’t know my family, but haven’t heard of any cases of paranoid schizophrenia, or other mental illness, but I can’t be sure….

(btw I don’t really like doctors, or trust anyone I know, so I’ve basically had to lie my face off to seem… sane)

thanks for reading, I could really use some opinions.

Category: Tags: asked February 27, 2014

1 Answer

You should try to speak to the people you trust the most and tell them about it, or if you are uncomfortable with that idea you could seek for psychological help without talking much about it, it is hard to trust doctors but you should get analyzed or even just a small session. If your thoughts dont allow you to be alright try to think of the color green, or of the fire of a candle, try to read and keep your mind buisy but try to search for more professional help.