My friend is depressed?


my friend is depressed she is like so depressed she stopped eating until she lost 10 kg in one week and she is always literally always crying and think she is also affecting me i mean she is like a sister to me i can’t bare seeing her like this so now i am crying with her i just don’t know how to get her out of this depression thing i tried EVERYTHING helllllllllllllp

Category: asked October 28, 2014

6 Answers

Have you tried telling her to go to a therapist or something?
i did but she is not accepting
the main thing you can do for your friend is be there for her no matter what! they say diaries can help when your depression is at an all time high. But it mainly depends on what shes depressed about. Because if its a boyfriend or someone who hurt her she needs to let them go. but no matter what , TIME CAN HEAL A BROKEN HURT. i once struggled from depression and had no one at all to talk to about it so i start a journal and it really helped me pour those unwanted emotions and thoughts out.
Try to surround her with friends and family, go with her to places and do other activities that will keep her mind in another place. if you ever want to talk you can add me and let me know! Cheers
Its great that your trying to help and the way you empathise with her :) If your ever in need of advice ( as you probably already know ) you can ask your friend to try being a venter on this site :) Ive been a listener for the past year and just listening to someones problems and caring makes a huge impact. Im open to any mean of contact too, just add me! The most important thing though is to know that it does get better, no matter what it is. Life goes on and it all depends on your attitude, perspective and thoughts when you feel like everything gone against you.
smoke a j with her