My bestfriend likes a guy who has a girlfriend. What should I do?


As the title says, one of my best friends has a crush on a guy, who has a crush on her. The problem is, not only is the guy a complete d-bag, but he already has a girlfriend.

None of my friends like this guy(John, I’m changing their names). He’s rude and insensitive. He’s always creeping on my friend(Tina), and she’s too nice to do anything about it. And she even likes him. John also flirted with another of my friends(Rin). John asked her to sleep with him (she’s a lesbian btw), and he said that it didn’t matter if Rin said no, because Tina would say yes.

We told Tina after, and she didn’t even care. And later on that day, John messaged my sister on facebook and said “You talked bad about me. You’re going to regret it.”, WHO DOES THAT!!!??? I don’t know if Tina knows about it. I’m going to ask her when I get the chance.

Tina just doesn’t even care that John is a terrible guy. He’s scum. He’s a pig. Plus, Tina was recently in a relationship with some guy, who broke up with her, then moved. She took it really bad. He was crying constantly, saying that her life was over, and that she didn’t want to live anymore. We were really worried. She also said that her ex was the only person she could talk to. Which is ridiculous, because my friends are very accepting. We are good people, and we love each other. We can’t go 10 minutes without saying we love each other and giving each other hugs. And, Tina’s ex was a jerk. He was rude to us all, and he was really controlling of her. He didn’t want her to talk to anyone but him, and he said she couldn’t be friends with any guys she met. Even ones she met on the internet or in games.

She’s so dependent of a man’s love. I don’t know what to do about her.

Category: Tags: asked September 13, 2014

1 Answer

Seems to me Tina doesn't want to be helped. There isn't much you can to to help someone that doesn't want to be helped. But you can do is continue to show Tina you care about her even if she doesn't see John as a bad guy. You should not tell Tina johns a bad guy especially if she likes him cause that would come back and bite you instead. My suggestion is continue to be friends with her I know it's hard but she really needs friends to be there for her she could just be trying to replace her ex bf ASAP if she is guide her and tell her as a close friend that relationships are not something to rush into without much consideration. Good luck!