

You have friends.
You’re happy but then night comes in and you feel alone
You want to talk to other people but you’re afraid that they’ll judge you partly because you’re judging yourself and see yourself as being too selfish.

You feel ignored by your parents cause you don’t meet their expectations and at the same time you feel frustrated because you want to meet them but havent had the opportunity to yet.

How do you handle this?

asked October 21, 2013

2 Answers

I can relate to what you are going through. Do you feel as if the world around you is closing in and your the only person that doesn't know where to go? I have had the same feeling. What I did was found my closest friend, or even my own mother. Even though you may feel that they never understand you, take your chances. I remember when I was getting bullied at school I talked to my closest friend Savannah about it, and she helped me along the way. She also helped me stand up for myself in a way that I could never had done until I talked to her. Even though that this may sound like something stupid to talk to someone, but I honestly think that your chances are never against you when getting advice. Always remember, you are NEVER alone. If you have any other questions or concerns, please go to my page and ask me. I will tell you anything you need to know. Thanks for your time :) I hope things can get better for you!
I completely understand where your coming from.. It does suck and gets you down.. But you really have to do what makes you happy.. I really dont know how to explain it.. But dont let your parents get you down.. Unless you do exactly what they want they'll be happy... but will you be happy with that?