leaving all behind


if i follow my dreams and future plans that will mean leaving everything behind, my parents, family, friends, country, language, EVERYTHING, and its really hard, any advice?

Category: Tags: asked July 6, 2014

3 Answers

To me, that is how people grow... there will come a time, you will give up those people you have, those things you have for your dreams, you can't stay with them forever, you grow and does not remain a baby, you are dependent on them before, but now, you have dreams, you must start your own life and travel a different path, and be independent... Well, this dreams will lead you to meet new people, new friends... well yeah, having a dream, every little dream needs a sacrifice, it is hard, but it will be harder if you will wait longer, because the society changes, it evolves, and soon, maybe if you didnt take the opportunity , there will be no space for your dream anymore... a dream takes a risk and needs sacrifice... but leaving people behind doesn't mean forgetting them... you must not forget them, it's just, like in school, when you graduate, you leave your alma matter and then enter another one, your teachers before, your friends, if it were that easy to leave everything on school life, then that would be near your problem...Well, good luck... I suggest you to listen to the song break away by kelly crakson... it may not be about your dream, but it is how you go to a dream... well, good luck in your dreams...
Dreams are beautiful, but just don't lose reality. Realize what you leave behind and that you can't simply go back! Also, dreams change :) things that seem important now might not be as important in a few years. I think you should reconsider everything for this decision. And for whatever decision you make, I want to wish you all the good luck in the world!
There is nothing wrong with broadening your horizons. I would jump for such an opportunity to learn a new language, move to a new country and work internationally.

You have a potentially amazing future ahead of you, dash all doubts and go for it full-throttle! It is better to have experiences than regrets.