


my name is melissa. Can you guys help me. I have suffered through depression for half my life. i am a single parent with one son. divorced. I am financially down. on welfare. my husband abused me. I just need you to do me a favour. My son loves soccer but i cant afford to buy him shoes and stuff. I need you guys to help him. please. he started a campaign and he needs some money. I dont want him to become like me. I want him to do something he loves. please. If you guys cant help him, i guess ill have to commit sucide. please. please. i tried everything. dont post comments on how to help. i tried everything. literally. please here is his link. . please just help him out.


Category: asked April 17, 2015

1 Answer

no single parent would ever kill themselves over this. no parent would talk about how they were abused them self to get people to send funds for their kid. do you really expect this to work? if that many people think he is good at it im pretty sure someone would find a way to get the equipment. lying and scamming isnt welcome here.