I’ve tried and had help from friend but i truly cant stop selfharming my self and doing drugs


I smoke weed about every weekend and on top of that I self harm myself I just feel like I dont have anyone close enough anymore to talk to. I cut everytime someone makes me feel bad about myself at school and I smoke weed because it helps me forget about all the shit i have to deal with but when im not high it all comes back to me at once and I feel 10 times worse. I just need a friend to help me

Category: Tags: asked January 10, 2015

4 Answers

I know that life can be tough and that it can be really difficult in school, but drugs and self-harm are not the solution. Drugs and self-harm won't make anything better. There are other ways to cope with things. If you ever need to talk, my inbox is always open. You're not alone, people on blah are here for you. Here's a link to a site with good alternatives instead of cutting: http://www.teenhelp.org/forums/f12-self-harm/t9418-alternatives-self-harm/
Since you are posting here I take it therapy is out of the question for one reason or another (if I'm wrong, therapy is probably your answer), so my best immediate advice is to have a chat as a venter. Some people can work miracles just by listening, and as long as you don't disclose personal info they have no way of tracking you. If someone is being unsupportive, please don't give up but instead end the chat and try again. It may take a while, but most of the listeners I've found are there because they have (had) some problems of their own and know what it can mean to have someone to talk to.
If you're caught up in how hard it is to do anything about it, please remind yourself that you already posted here once, so you can keep it up!
Omg no stop, smoke weed but don't harm! Im here if you wanna talk about anything!!
I totally agree with the first answer. However, if there is any way you can get help from a doctor/professional, I would really encourage it. Also, my inbox is always open if you need a friend :)