Is this still considered INCEST?


I was chatting with a venter and she brought up the question “Is it still considered incest if you are dating a guy who happens to be the son of your step father?” He is not your own blood, neither is the stepfather, but if your biological mom marries your step father, is it wrong now to date your step brother? I hope that wasnt too confusing to understand. Just want to know the opinion of many.

Tags: asked August 15, 2014

7 Answers

Incest is defined by blood relation. Without the ties of blood, it cannot be incest.
Honestly I think its appropriate-ness has everything to do with age. If youre not yet an adult and dating your step brother it is a little unsettling, due to the fact that you probably share a home with this person. If you live in a separate home from the person, I personally dont think it is improper really. Once youre into adulthood, its a non-issue really. They arent your blood relatives so just go for it.
why should your relation ship end because you parents got married? people wouldnt even question it if you got marriedthen your parent started dating your significant other's parent. with that in mind i have to say no. and definatlly shouldnt have to end because parents having terrible timing.
If you're considering the core definition of incest, then no, dating a stepbrother isn't incest. However, it then comes down to an individual's morals. I personally wouldn't date someone who is supposed to be my stepbrother. But that's just me. I just hope she really thinks about this however, because the consequences can be really bad.
Not legally in England at least, check the law in your state or country. But some people would consider it as incest even if its not against the law. I dont have any problem with that but some people would because most would still consider them part of your family.
hmmm, i mean its not like theyre blood related. But It would honeslty depend upon how the family would feel if they knew about it. I honestly dont see a problem in it and i mean it also depends on what kindov relationship the two are trying to have. If this happened in my family i wouldnt really mind it cause everyone gets attracted to people soo yea haha. Like Jester said it could be illegal or something depending on where you live. I wouldnt say its incest though, they arnt actually a blood related family.
no but it still is weird... My cousin dated the son of her mom's boyfriend.... I thought that was weird..