Is this a normal form of paranoia?


Okay, so at random intervals, maybe after I see something mildly creepy, I get extremely paranoid. By mildly, I mean a picture of a teddy bear with teeth, or one of those ‘scary’ things. But usually I’m not affected, it’s random when it happens. Typically I love scary stuff, but sometimes, it just gets bad. When that happens and my paranoia hits, I have to peek out of e shower curtain every five minutes, stare at the door while doing daily tasks, turn on every light in the house just to be safe, hide under my blanket at night with my hands over my ears, etc. That lasts about a week or two, and then everything is normal again, but I’m still the same to a lesser extent. If I walk by the stairs and think I see a figure at the bottom of the steps, I rush into the next room. It happens more and more frequently, and it’s quite annoying. Should I just stay away from the creepy stuff, or is this something everyone does but is too embarrassed to tell?

Category: Tags: asked December 29, 2014

2 Answers

Everyone gets creeped out by stuff! Like, sometimes when I watch The Walking Dead I think "what if a zombie started walking up the hallway right now?" and I'm sit there in paranoia for the rest of the episode before I go and hide in my room. It's totally normal. Different things affect different people and everyone has different scary tolerance levels. Some people can marathon horror movies and have a sound night sleep. Others can't. That's cool, that's normal. We're all different. It's human nature to have fears, especially of traditionally scary things. Don't stress yourself out, just keep the creepy stuff to a minimum. :) x
I do it too. You just have to be confident and know that monsters and stuff aren't real. I sometimes feel like ghost follow me or just watch over me but it's just your head & the more you worry about it, the most intense the feelings get. I'm telling you the brain is very powerful thing. What you should do is simply tell yourself none of it is real and nothing is out to harm you.