Is my therapist trying to get rid of me?


I have a really difficult schedule so I only have the opportunity to meet with my therapist once a week. I need sessions twice a week, so I’ve started doing one session a week with him and one session a week with another therapist in his office. I know that he said it was so he could get a new perspective and that it is for scheduling purposes but I’m worried that he wants rid of me. Last week during therapy he gave me a brochure to another therapy place which makes me worried that he was trying to hint that he wants me to go. He also didn’t respond to the email that I sent him last week. I don’t know if I’m overthinking this or if he actually wants rid of me. Any thoughts?

Category: Tags: asked March 18, 2014

4 Answers

You may be misinterpreting. A therapist will typically tell you if they do not believe that they can help you.
Just ask the therapist to just tell you if he wants to get rid of you. If your straight up with him about your worries then it would probably turn out for the best.
I agree with Jonathan, your therapist might feel like someone else could help you better than them and is pushing you in that direction
doesn't hurt to be honest and express your concerns. of course he'll deny it but it can help both of you