Is it okay to do this?


I’ve always liked one of my bestfriend’s boyfriend, well ex now. Even before she knew him, and he’s told me he has always had a thing for me. I’ve noticed how he always used to look at me in a way. It’s been about a month and he’s asked me to be with him. But I don’t want all of my friends to hate me because I’m dating him… Although, I really like him. I don’t know what to do..

Category: Tags: asked February 20, 2014

2 Answers

Well thats a pretty normal situation in which you can get very different opinions, what i would recomend you to do is to think what is worth more, the boy you like or your friends. As well real friends on ocassions will understand things but if you want to be sure you can talk yo your best friend who was dating him and just tell her if she would get bothered by that. Try to explain yourself as well as you can, and talk to him and explain him what youre feeling or considering so he doesnt think youre not sure about liking him. That would be what I would do. Good luck! Anything else you can message me.
The situation you are in isn't a good one. Going out with a friend's ex is "breaking girl code", unless your friend approves (and even then it might secretly bother her). It's interesting how he liked you, but dated your friend first--not that I'm trying to imply anything. I just think that you wouldn't be in this dilemma if he actually explored his interest. Anyways, I would talk to my friends, and talk to him, because he has to understand that he is your FRIEND'S ex, and a relationship with him can become a complete disaster because of hurt feelings or bitter feelings, etc. Elsi Flores is right though--it all comes down to, is it going to be your friends, or this guy? Perhaps your friends wouldn't mind, but that's a scarce reaction to such a situation. So think about this very seriously before you choose anything. You can't help who you like, so it's not like you're a terrible person :)
I hope that everything works out! Things like this happen, where you have to make big decisions, so just think on it, talk to your friends if you still want to pursue a relationship with this guy and need their blessing/okay, or talk to him and your friends or--however you want to do it, as long as you communicate to get it all sorted out! Good luck! :)