Is it normal to want a baby at a young age?


I’m 17 and I can’t help but want a child, I think about it way too often and I don’t think it’s normal, please don’t judge me.

Category: asked December 1, 2013

10 Answers

Why should we judge you? It's perfectly normal, it's called maternal instinct.But why do you want a child so much?
This feeling is COMPLETELY normal. We are wired to have a natural maternal instinct. Why do you think the doll companies make so much money? ;) Even at a very young age, girls want to nurture and love something that they can raise and take care of. As you get older, your need develops and grows. It may be running faster for you than others, and that's perfectly fine. I would suggest waiting a few years, and if you aren't with someone, adopt if possible.
Why would we judge you? It is normal for girls your age to want to have a child, and to think about it. I am the same age as you and I thought about wanting a child many times. I even talked to my mom about it and she said that it is perfectly normal to be wanting a child around this age.
It's normal for a young woman to start thinking about a family and having kids of their own someday. However, you are only 17 - you still have your whole life ahead of you yet. One of the best pieces of advice I have ever gotten was from my grandma (who had her first kid AND marriage at 16): "'Wait 'til you're 25 to start having kids. That's a good age. Enough time to get the wildness out of your system, to get the things done that you'd wonder 'what if' about - what if I hadn't had my kid, could I have done this... it's enough time to figure yourself out, to learn to take care of yourself. You can't raise a kid when you don't even know how to take care of yourself. 25 is a good age because you're old enough to handle the stress of a life depending completely on you, but you're not so old that you'll be completely gray when they get their diplomas. You'll be young enough to chase your grandkids around and not ache.'"

We had this talk many times because I would always let my romantic heart run wild and I'd tell her how I was destined to marry the guy I'd just begun to date a few months prior. She'd always tell me to slow down and enjoy my life. She said she never regretted having her kids but if she could change one thing she would have waited longer to have them.

I guess my advice is really hers: it's fine to think on it and dream of it, but don't be in a huge hurry to end the exploration of your life and yourself to start a family. Don't get stuck wondering "what if".
I had a baby when I was 17. He just graduated high school. If I could have done 1 thing different it would have been to be settled in my adult life 1st. I was a very good mom and people always told me so but I grew up with my son and I wish I could have done things differently. I didn't have enough life experience at my young age to even realize how hard my life with my son was at the time. I will always be grateful for that. If I had known I would have felt so sorry for myself. I got to go out with friends and things like that but I never had a chance to find out who I was as an adult because I had a child already by my 18th birthday. I Would never give him back but I wish I had known more in order to have parented him differently. If you want to be a good mom try and wait till you have some life experience under your belt as an adult.
completely normal.. its part of life..
i feel the same way. I'm only 16 though. I see children and I just want to nurture and have a child of my own and I'm scared to talk to anybody about it other than on here because i am bullied at school and i don't want my label as a slut to grow because people find out that i want a baby. i know i should wait because im only a sophmore in highschool and working at mcdonalds and am in a dedicated band where i wouldn't have time for any of those with a baby around. i actually tried with my ex boyfriend when i was 14. we would do it so often but i never fell pregnant. right now i see it as a good thing because i wouldnt be where i am now but it's scary having these thoughts because the steriotypical thought of a pregnant teenager is, "she just didn't use protection. she didn't really want a baby" so you feel like you are abnormal. but if you really look at it, you see that it is normal. that is what we are made to do as long as all other living things. we are born to reproduce. it's in our nature. our instincts. but unfortunately a lot of other people don't see it that way. but you're not alone. i feel the exact same way. i really want a baby as well.
Nope you are completely normal. I'm a year older and i know without a doubt i want a child. My husband and i have already discussed it. I recommend waiting until you are financially stable and a little bit older. As everyone has already said, its normal. Around this age was when in the older times people were getting married and having babies. Somethings have changed but something that is in our blood so to speak as females its not something that is going to change. So you are normal :)
Many women want children when they are young to gain respect. That is to appear older and more mature.
This has been so helpful, I finally feel normal about this situation.I used to fantasise about it, feel my belly and pretend it was there even though I knew it wasn't. I used to freak out but secretly hope it would be when my period was late. I have decided that yes I am not financially stable or even completed what I want to before I have kids so I will use protection and try when I am with someone I truly want to spend the rest of my life with. But, if it ever happens by chance, I will not be running to the abortion clinic any time soon. Thanks everyone.