Iron and Zinc


I have anemia, and I read that foods with iron will help me with it. It is slowly getting worse, so can you suggest some foods with iron in it?
Also, I have stretch marks at a young age. I am not overweight, and I have never been pregnant. They are just there, and have been there for about a year. Just recently, my mom told me that she heard zinc helps get rid of stretch marks. I am not quite sure if it works, but zinc helps with a lot of other things that could happen, so does anyone have any suggestions for food with zinc?

Category: Tags: asked April 13, 2014

2 Answers

Beans, lentils,nuts (pine, hazlenut, peanut, almond), spinach, and artichokes are rich in iron. Seafood and wheat germs are rich in zinc. As to the stretch marks, try to moisturize your skin to prevent their appearance. I also read that the Vitamins A, E and C are important. (Lettuce, carrots, sweet potato, peppers, guavas, kiwi, aspargus, turnip greens, avocado..)
Blackstrap molasses contains all that. It doesn't taste yummy but'd get use to it hopefully maybe? It's good for you it's not that bad in the long run when you know it's good for ya :) You can take that for iron and pumpkin seeds or dark chocolate occasionally for zinc.