Impossible Lies


This girl who i used to be madly in love with told me her best friend (who she knew for 8 years and saw like every week) died 9 months ago… She told me she has vocal cord cancer….. She told me her grandpa had to throw his father in the fire during the holocaust and that she wanted to tattoo the number that her grandpa has on his wrist (she’s jewish)… She told me she has tatoos to remember this best friend who died… I found out she lied, about everything, who the fuck lies about cancer, the holocaust and having an imaginary friend who died 9 months ago and then saying she has tatoos to remember him? (she doesnt have any tatoos, obviously) then I found out she lies about little things like giving her ex-boyfriend a PS4 (six months ago!!!!???) then being dumped a week later. She knows that I know she lied, and I hope she’s scared of me. I told her if i caught her lying to someone else again I’m going to tell everything. Help me understand this girl :/ Did she lie about having cancer, her grandpa in the holocaust and this friend to be cool? what the fuck really…. If i read what i just wrote i feel like the things i wrote are fiction because these lies are so damn heavy. And yes, I’m absolutely sure she lied, i asked her and she confessed, she tried to cover up her lies with other lies and she got strangled in her own web. Then she confessed. I feel like I need to tell the truth to her friends but I dont want to be ”the guy who turned all her friends against her”, if you know what I mean… Why did she do all this and what do I do in this situation?

asked April 27, 2014

2 Answers

Basically, a pathological liar is someone who tells lies habitually, chronically and compulsively. It has simply become a way of life for this person, to make up things for a variety of reasons and eventually, the truth becomes uncomfortable while weaving whoppers feels right to them. For this girl, it seems to be a self esteem issue.Lies of the magnitude you are talking about lend themselves to disbelief. Her "friends" already know she's a liar. You can't save her or them. Save yourself.
She is a classic case: