I’m jealous of my little sister!


My sister’s been talking to this guy she met on tumblr and it seems like it’s going good for her. I on the other hand can’t even get a guy to take me out on a second date. After this last guy stopped texting me I told myself that I was going to focus on me and if I meet a guy out of the blue than maybe I’ll give it a try. And anyway dating while living with my parents is really hard since they want to meet everybody and they give me a f*ckin curfew (I’m 21 for god sakes!). So I told myself that I’m not going to actively look for a relationship until I move into my own place, buts it’s still so hard. I’ll be pusses if my sister gets her first bf before I do.

Category: asked November 29, 2014

2 Answers

Me and my little sister are quite close in age, so growing up she was the pretty one and I was the ugly fat one who never had a boyfriend. In the end, she became I bit of a "slut" (not saying your sister is going to become a slut) and when she found someone she really liked, he treated her like crap and now she doesn't want to love anyone again. For me I never really had a boyfriend, I just did minor flirting and in the end, without looking I found the perfect boy, and now I have it better then my sister.My advice would be not to try to hard, boys notice it. If you be yourself and wait for the perfect person. THEY WILL COME ALONG! The key is waiting, it may be another 10 years but dont force yourself into a relationship that may not be the right one. Have a little fun, dont waste your youth waiting. Meet new guys, have fun with them and if they are not right move on! Just wait, its they key!
I have found when I am not looking for a relationship one comes along. When I am actively pursuing one it never happens. Relax, you're young. It'll happen when you least expect it.