I’m beginning to feel like I’m completely worthless


I’m not very attractive, I’m pretty unnoticeable and when I make myself noticed I tend to come off as bitchy. I only have like 2 friends who I feel actually like me. And I think one of them has gotten fed up with me. I’m not particularly good at anything. I’m boring and I have trouble expressing my emotions. My family doesn’t even acknowledge my existence, half the time. I want to rid everyone of the burden that is myself, but I’m too much of a coward to even do that.

Category: Tags: asked July 5, 2013

1 Answer

Well you can sure as hell add another friend to that list, because i care about you. The fact you worry about this means you want to become a better person. You got the first step, wanting, now you got to work toward it. Friendship usually isnt created by forcing it, so just act how you are with somebody around you. Dont worry about what they are thinking, just talk about what you want to talk about. And remember, there are people out there who care about you!