I’m afraid of dying, help?


I am scared of death. I don’t want to die. I try to live each day to the fullest, but every night when I go to bed, I just regret about what I could have done. I want to exist, I want to breathe. I want to touch and feel and dance under the sky. But one day I’m going to sleep. Forever. I won’t ever wake up again to see the sun. I won’t ever be able to see the world or do my favorite thing, eating. Time will go on and I will be forgotten. I will lose my family members and just… cease to exist.

What frustrates me the most is that I don’t understand anything in the world. Why is there time? Why can’t I be immortal? If there’s a God, who created God? I think deeper and deeper and I feel lonely. I guess what I’m missing in my life is just, love.

Category: Tags: asked January 27, 2014

6 Answers

Death is a uniquely fearful thing; we truly do fear what we do not understand. Like an old role model of mine once said: "Imagine a great party, only you are told that you have to leave, and worse still, the party goes on without you. But imagine the alternative, that the party goes on forever, and you can't leave." Our lives are woefully short, but this allows for something truly incredible: meaning. Meaning is lost on the eternal, as time, life and all things therein become commonplace to utter tediousness. Instead, it is for us to enjoy this life while we are alive. My mom told me this when I was 8 and afraid of death as you are, and I remember it to this day.

These questions you ask are certainly very hard but are some of the few questions truly worth asking. Through asking them and pondering them you will grow; I won't lie to you, its a shitty and painful process. It's the pain of salvation that we all must face in order to personally evolve. With that in mind, I hope you soon realize that these thoughts unite us in our humanity, and that no matter how estranged from the world you might feel, you are not alone.
Your anxiety is understandable; death is an intrinsic fear to every living thing.

Morgan Freeman said this one best: "Get busy living, or get busy dying." - Everything dies and nobody gets out of life alive, this is an inescapable fact of life, so just let it go and live. Do you really want to be on your death bed thinking "If only I hadn't worried about dying so much, I could have lived so much more."?

Feel free to message me any time if you need to vent. I wouldn't be a very good Listener if I didn't offer an ear to someone with something on their chest.
I actually hate, err I mean I'm scared of the idea of reincarnation. Even if I'm reborn, I won't be able to remember the good memories in this life. Yes, I feel better knowing my spirit will live on, but it wouldn't be... well, me.
What you need in your life is God. That way you can look forward to death and don't have to worry about ceasing to exist.Time is an illusion, Einstein said time was created so everything doesn't happen at once. I agree with him. Nobody created God, God is.
Well here is how I see it.. You are part of the universe.. the universe is never ending .. it is like infinity.. imortal if you will.. You are part of that universe so there for so long the universe exists you will exist.. You will always exist in some form or another.. you may not look the same all the time.. but you will always exist in some form or another.. am I speaking of God.. well no and yes at the same time.. God is a complicated thing to talk about because no one actually knows what GOD is ... is it a life form? is GOD simply the source of all energy? Life how I see it.. is a training ground in some way.. we come here to live and learn from the lives we live.. When we leave this life we simply go on to the next to learn another lesson.. i think depending on where you are in terms of level .. determines where you are able to go next.. I have read that some people believe that we actually chose the lives we now lead.. I do think we actually chose what all happens in it.. but we choose to learn about something and then choose to be born in a life that would teach that lesson.. I am not 100% certain.. but I believe its pretty close.. If I were you I would do some googleing about "the life we chose to be born in".. and such.. its quite interesting..
You are talking about reincarnation? People use reincarnation to help explain the unfair circumstances good people face, and the great circumstances crappy individuals are born into. The problem with reincarnation for me personally, is that it doesn't work since I cannot remember what I did wrong previously, I cannot remember what I did right, in fact I cannot remember if I should even believe in reincarnation or not- and if you cannot remember how can you learn from it, not repeat the same mistakes and keep going higher instead of regressing.