If you’re attracted to girls: answer


Well I was just wondering what you people look for in a girl? Specific to you. Not the “well we like creative girls” nonono. I mean what hair color do you like, what specific characteristics do you like. Just answer what you look for in a girl. (I just like to hear how people feel.)

asked June 11, 2014

15 Answers

personally, looks matter very little to me, infact i once dated a transgender for this reason, its whats inside that matters
what matters most to me is intelligence and humor, and extreme honesty. i cant stand lies. (unnatural hair colours are cute too ;) )
Eye colour, skin, hair, nose, and body are irrelevant to me. I like candid, confident and open-minded women who smile often and are very physical when displaying their passion for a topic (i.e. talking with their hands, vivid expressions). Healthy posture and a proud way of sitting and standing is also very attractive.
I like short girls with long dark hair, really big eyes (green and blue are my preferred colors), and pale skin
it's not like i only look for girls like this, but the girls i usually like all tend to have brown eyes and long hair and tan skin for some reason! maybe it's a subconscious thing? who knows!
I like women the way I like peanut butter: chunky.

Nah, seriously, as I'm not a shy person, I'll go more into details, so don't down vote me on the basis of your own personal feminist views, as these are simply my own personal views of what is attractive in a woman to me. Physical characteristics matter. And those who say they don't are hypocrites and liars. It's not as important as personality, but it still matters.

So physically, to me, skin colour is irrelevant. What's relevant about skin however is its softness. It's usually the first thing I notice in women, their skin. As of hair, I more often like longer hair for women, it seems more natural, although many women can bear very well short hair. Hair really depends on the person, so it's not that important, and their colour is irrelevant unless it's unnatural. I don't enjoy much dyed hair, unless it's dyed red, blue or even silver white. Pink or green is ugly af. Fake blondes don't have beautiful hair, imo. I like well proportionate or small noses. Prominent noses aren't getting me much. I don't like huge lips (for example, Angelina Jolie's lips are way too big), nor too small (lines). I like women with curves. A, B & C cups for bra (breast) size are perfect. As of "booty", everybody likes rather small firm butts, men and women alike... (Kim Kardashian? Too big m8). Height? I don't know... My height or smaller would fit (I'm 6 feet tall).

As of personality, there's too many different women in this world for me to dare hold an ideal personality for a partner/mate. I however tend to appreciate more women with strong personalities and convictions, who are outspoken and not afraid to be rude and direct. I cannot stand sensible people in general or very emotional people as I cannot understand them.
Girls with good lips and confidence.
I like short hair or dreadlocks or maybe a piercing. Because I don't have nice skin, when I see a girl with nice soft acne free skin I really like it. I also like dimples and lately I've liked freckles. It really depends on the person.
I very simply do not have a "type", but I am a complete sucker for red hair. I melt.
Honestly? I really don't have exact physical things I look for in a girl. I look more for things such as honesty, sincerity, humor, that sort of thing. Physical attributes change over time and they won't always be the same but things such as a person's virtues and mentality are extremely attractive and they almost never fully change.
Hmmm, I don't think I really have a type, but I'll look at the girls I've had things for and look for common features. So let's work top-down.

Hair - An even split between dark brown and dirty-blonde hair, which I think is pretty interesting. Dark brown hair is probably my favourite, makes me just want to stroke it. Straight hair doesn't do it for me, and nor does bottle-blonde.

Eyes - A very even split between blue, green and brown. Doesn't really make a big difference to me, and isn't something I hugely notice; even though I like looking into someone's eyes, the actual colour is beside the point.

Mouth - None of them have particularly huge lips, but all of them have infectious smiles (except one, who rarely smiles at all any more (definitely not my fault, I swear)).

Breasts - A man (even a gay one) who says he doesn't like boobs is probably lying. The majority of the girls on my list have larger than average breasts, but I wouldn't say it's a deciding factor at all, to be honest. It more fits in with...

Waist & Belly - Apart from one, who would best be described as willowy, the girls on my list aren't especially thin. They aren't what you'd call fat at all either, and if I was asked to describe, I'd probably say soft & warm to hug. Certainly, a perfectly flat stomach is some way off my list of must-haves.

Derriere - Bum-wise, there's a bit of a range, but Kardashian-style behinds generally aren't all that great in real life, but you're pretty hard to find a bum that looks bad in jeans.

Legs - Stick-thin legs are a huge no-no for me. Soft thighs score good points.

Height - A pretty wide range, from some who are over a foot shorter than me to some who are somewhere near an eye-level. I'm tall enough for both of us, really.


Okay, so that seems to create a picture of an ideal girl with long, wavy brown hair, brown eyes, and a fairly curvy figure, who smiles warmly and gives great hugs. For bonus points, she could be wearing a knitted sweater and a loose skirt (which is a slightly odd combo, but hey, bonus points). Well over half of their names also begin with the same letter, oddly enough. I'd say that's pretty accurate, tbh (and pretty long).

I'd also agree with the earlier commenter that confident posture is also very attractive.
Cocky, tan, dark hair, brown eyes, style, full lips, smart, hilarious, ride or die type girl
I like cute little stoner girls who skate usually with red natural hair and around 5'11 hourglass figure not to skinny not to fluffy
I like cute little stoner girls who skate usually with red natural hair and around 5'11 hourglass figure not to skinny not to fluffy
Black hair, blue eyes, nice tits, a nice butt. Some confidence.
To be honest it's about the sum total. I don't look for one little thing, but rather the entire package. No part is greater than the whole. But I do enjoy intellectual conversation.