I STILL do not know what career route I should take. Help?


Long story short, I’ve read just about every career advice book out there. I’ve taken personality quizzes and found out I was a ENFP on the Meyers-Briggs scale (and trust me that actually made things more complicated!) I am close to 30 and I still do not know what my career direction should be. I have an interest in a large number of things and I think that is why I am having such a difficult time. I also am very creative and I’ve come to the conclusion that it is just a very hard field to stay in and make a living. I’ve mostly done sales and marketing for the majority of my working life, thus far and definitely do not like this field.

Any ideas or tips to help me find my direction and narrow my interests down? I’m very excited to take a new direction in life…I just don’t know which of the 50 roads I should walk down.

Category: Tags: asked August 15, 2013

4 Answers

Ask your peers what they think you are good at! Are you good at helping people with their problems? Maybe you should go into psychology. Good at nursing? Go into the medical field. I know it's not that easy though.
Don't go into a toxic field. Meaning, don't go into something that's going to effect your home life. Be able to leave work at work and not bring it home. Some people are better at this than others.
Don't go into a field that isn't reliable! Medicine is always going to be there. I want to go into psychology, and that's always going to be there because people are always going to need help.
Mostly though, do something you enjoy! You don't want to get stuck in something that you'll get bored of. Keep your mind open. :)
Ask yourself what you enjoy and will always enjoy. Whether it be watching movies, eating, picking out shoes, whatever. Find something that you're not bored with. Do what you love.
Think about if money did not matter, what would you do? Do not let money define your life. If you think you'd be happy as an author or a designer or anything, go right ahead and do it. Money is not as important as you think it is. Being happy tops all! Also ignore all those personality tests and quizzes you take. The only thing that knows what you want to do is you! It's just a matter of opening up to yourself and finding out what you really want. God, that sounds weird but I'm not sure how else to put it. You just need to be honest with yourself. I think deep in your heart you know what you want to do.
I believe the sole purpose in this life is to be happy. You don't have to live in the standardized way of today's society. The happiest people are those who flow with what is right to them. Don't make money the priority. Find yourself first. What is the most honest career to you? That you believe is suiting to your well-being? Visualize and place yourself in those career pathways. Rank them by the order in which they trigger your fancy the most and as you go along, try to see if there are any similarities among them just to indicate which field you're mostly leaning to. You say you are creative. Have you considered a teaching career? I think teachers have plenty of creative outlets, in ways that can be seen when they are finding and trying ideas to interpret the material to their students.