i miss him a lot


I went out with this boy only for likea month or less, and i really liked him but im one of those people who like people then dont then do again, he wanst a great kisserLOL but that wasn’t why i broke up with him, i just didnt like him anymore but now i do again and we dont talk, i wanna be friends with him so badly i miss him as a friend but its so awkward and im scared to speak to him what do i do?

Category: asked November 28, 2013

3 Answers

I know exactly how you feel. You should try to become friends again by texting or talking to him first. Even if it is awkward just try to talk about things you know he likes. If he doesn't want to be friends than he is not worth your time.
I'm one of those types of people too, haha. Don't be scared to talk to him. He can't have anything against you; and shouldn't! Try texting him and saying Hi to him occasionally in the hallways when you see him at school. The tension between the both of you should loosen a bit, and you both will be friends again in no time! :)
I'm guessing you're still young? You sound like you're not ready for a commitment or at least one with him. There's going to be moments where you just don't like the person you used to, but you can't let that cause you to make rash decisions about the person. You need to seriously sit yourself down, take a long look at him and point out every little thing you like about him and weigh them against the things you dislike. If he's just a plain awesome guy to be around and you smile at him a lot then give it another chance, and if he's just too different from what you prefer then don't. Just remember, a guy's heart is simple but fragile. All this back and forth can be hurtful to him. If you decide to try and restart, take it easy, don't think of it as a commitment but instead a very close friendship that can evolve from there.