I just need opinions I guess?


I’ve liked this girl for three years now. I’ve known her for four. And throughout the years we’ve know each other things have gone up and down. She hasn’t always been nice to me. Some might even describe it as bitchy, but for every bad time so far there’s been a good. I’ve liked her for so long now it feels almost impossible to get over her even though I know it will happen eventually. We’re both 16 and well both girls but I don’t know if she’s gay or not. I know we’re friends at least but I feel like some people take the way she is in the wrong way. Maybe I’m just making an excuse because I like her but..I mean I realize she’s been mean to me and stuff before but it’s been better now. So I guess my question really is…should I keep going on the crush or try and drop it?
I believe that she likes me and that her being mean is a facade of some sorts. I just feel really confused. Thank you for anyone you can be of help.

Category: Tags: asked April 25, 2014

3 Answers

First and for most know that you can NOT get rid of a crush. It's something that just has to run it course no matter how difficult it is. From what you're saying it seems like she isn't nice to you most of the time but is sometimes and to me honestly I don't think it would be a good idea to try and get involved at least not right now. You're young, give it time. These are the years when you'll change and grow the most into the person you were meant to become so be patient. If you can't and you want to go for it then by all means follow your heart. If it doesn't work out that then you can use the experience to learn from,but I hope it does work out for you no matter your decision. Stay strong girl, message me if you ever wanna talk and good luck :)
I think you should take a break from this person. In any relationship kindness & respect will last a lot longer than bitchy ways. Sure she is treating you better now but well don't hold out for a person to turn to you & say "hey you're important to me". Younger people often haven't learned to manage their feelings so give her a chance to figure her feelings out & move on. If she is a friend or has any interest you will see her again. If not you will be better off with friends that treat you with the patience, kindness & respect you deserve. Best wishes
Go for it! Who knows it might work out! I have liked this girl for about a whole school year, so about a year, and even though im pretty sure she is straight, i still talk to her sometimes during and after school. Does this girl know that you are LGBT? or does she think you are straight?