….I feel…lost inside


How do keep moving when you have nothing too live for?

Category: Tags: asked August 29, 2013

2 Answers

If you need to talk, please give me a private message.You need to listen to me, because I have felt the same way you do, like life is nothing but pain, like there is nothing worth living for..But from expirience, you need to know that the truth is there are in fact things worth living for. Your family, for yourself, your friends, for happiness, for enjoyment, and because you are so lucky to be alive right now.. You should be friggin SO HAPPY you weren't born a dung bettle, even if you feel like one, you are human, and you have the power to change your future. Because your choices will decide what will happen, you can decide to stay in misery ville, or you can make the best of life. Do the things you enjoy, find things you enjoy, reach out to others, make the best of a bad situation. Sleep, dream, aspire, love, cry, enjoy, eat yummy food, savor every bite. Make your life worth living! Give yourself purpose! Do what makes you happy! Do it because you diserve it!
Personally, I don't believe you when you say you have nothing to live for. Everyone has something to live for, even those who are gone and committed suicide. I believe that because I used to ask the same question, but realized that there are a lot of great reasons to be alive! I know that sort of came out cheesy, but it's true. I guarantee you that you haven't seem the world from the top of the Eiffel Tower. Or scuba dived in the Pacific Ocean. Or drove a speed boat across a beautiful lake! My recommendation: experience life. Find something that inspires you, motivates you, moves you. You have eyes to see. I read a story recently where a 6 year old boy in China had his eyes gouged out not because he did anything wrong, but because in China they have something called organ trafficking. That kid will NEVER see the world from the Eiffel Tower. He'll never see the fish in the Pacific Ocean. Always remember that you have it GREAT compared to a lot of people, and you should be thankful and grateful instead of well, not? If I come off a little harsh, it's only because I used to be there and I know a million times better now, and you deserve to feel the way I do.