I feel like my friends don’t want to be friends anymore


so this year when I came back to school something felt weird about our friend group, like people are distancing themselves from me and a few other friends and these are the people i consider to be by best friends and to have them kinda just leave and hang out with other people and not invite me and my other friends to things is really getting on my nerves, what should I do about it

Category: Tags: asked September 7, 2014

2 Answers

Going through an exact situation as of now. People who I thought were my friends were so nice last year but I don't know what happened to them now. What did I do that suddenly repelled them?!! The other day they left me all alone and went to have fun. I'm like what did I do?? Since then they put me on full ignore mode. Did they suddenly decide that I'm not worthy of their friendship? They gotta tell me about it because I don't have a damn clue.I think the best thing one can or you can do in such situations is let them go. Because you can't beg someone to be your friend. Moreover, people change. So, we should accept that they may not be enjoying spending time with us like they used to. Doesn't mean we all off a sudden became uninteresting, we shouldn't think that there is something wrong with is because most of the times no matter what we do people will act like they want to. Can't change that.The world has 7 billion people. I think we have an extremely fair chance at finding friends even if all of the existing ones leave us and go. If you are a nice person, people would LOVE to be friends with you. Forget those jerks who are hurting you, its their loss that they are letting go a good friend. My best wishes to you and I'm sure in no time you'll figure out what to with this issue :)
I think if they are your close friends you should just talk to them about it nicely, tell them how you feel. maybe they don't realise what they're doing and how it's effecting you. just talk to them, there's no harm in that, it's better to ask them about it than keeping it to yourself. xxxx