I fell in love with an acquaintance, should I reach out or let her go?


OK so there’s this girl I really like (I’m a guy btw) and I found her on social media and I’m wondering if I should contact her and if I do how do I go about it without being creepy. We’re both graduates that recently graduated high school and the way I got to know her was we both had an online math class together and I’d help her with it. She’d always feel bad that I’d help but I’d offer to help her anyways because I liked her and I liked talking to her even if it was just helping her and I also didn’t want her to fail. She was at risk of not passing the class because she had terrible sleeping patterns and she wouldn’t eat breakfast (she was poor, that could a reason) and she had diabetes and her blood pressure would get high and what not so she always felt like shit and I would do whatever I could to encourage her to get her work done and it worked.

I think she’s beautiful but I do like her for reasons outside of how she looks for example she’s a really good artist and she’s into video games (I’m into video games). I also think she’s different, she’s not like the other girls because she doesn’t look or dress like everyone (or anyone) else. She’s sort of goth, the way she combs her hair makes her ears look big like an elf (which is attractive in my eyes but of course I like a lot of things about her), and she likes to wear dark outfits and necklaces.

In my entire life I can only recall liking 4 girls (I’m 18 years old) and she happens to be one of them and I just need some input, other people’s thoughts. I only come on here when I feel like I’m about to break down and liking this girl as much as do and not being with her has affected my behavior; I have trouble sleeping, eating, I decided to unfriend my friends I constantly yell and I frequently get in a bad mood (I usually get in bad mood regardless but its gotten worse now).

More than likely I’m gonna let her go and not talk to her, but in the mean time it sucks because every thing remind me of her she’s constantly on my mind and I keep thinking “what if?”. What are your thoughts?

Category: Tags: asked May 23, 2014

3 Answers

You might as well at least say hi to her and see if she wants to hang out now thats schools over with. what have you got to lose from the situation? just be nice and dont try to act a certain way. thats the biggest issue with dudes, they either try to look uninterested and not desperate, or they try to be romantic and too- nice and girls can see through both easily. if she likes you back it could be a fun thing before college. if not, at least you got to hang out or talk to someone cool before meeting some new people. really, honestly, what you should do is hang out and talk to her for about a week or two, and then be completely honest and just tell her you like her. simple as that. part of growing up is having more mature relationships, so if you tell her and she doesnt reciprocate the feeling, dont make it awkward. understand that she doesnt feel the same way and just be friends.
Im sorry i had a chuckle when you said"In my entire life I’m 18 years.
You are still very young and have a lot of time ahead of you.but if you feel there is a connection which sounds like there is,then why not start with asking for her number,if you havent already got it,and call her,ask her if she would like it if you called once in a while and see what her responce is.She may want to go out and do something rather than just calls,youll soon find out from her end what is best to do.If things dont work out,you can then move one.
Ps try getting the anger under control though,so you dont mess it up.
In the end honestly the decision is up to you. From my personal experiences in life every opportunity that you don't act on something you automatically fail. I know this sounds corny but but that movie with Jim Carey "Yes Man" actually has a message in it even though it's obviously ment to be more of a slap stick comedy with the extent that he says "yes" to everything. If you talk to this girl and she's not interested oh well you're still at square one and you haven't really lost anything but you know for sure that it wasn't ment to be. If she is interested then you have everything to gain, so honestly you have literally nothing to lose. Even if it doesn't work our, do things and activities you wouldn't normally participate in and you may meet someone better. If you're thinking you can't possibly meet anyone else like her because she's one in a million, there's 6,000 of her on the planet :-) Good luck