i dont know what to do with my future


i’m very confused beacuse i want to leave my country (argentina) and move to usa, but i dont know what to study or do with my life, i dont want an average life

Category: Tags: asked June 29, 2014

3 Answers

As being from argentina I'll respond to you in spanish because it's the best way i can adress this question, if you want it in english just tell me and I'll write it in english. Segurisimo que hay cosas que se te dan mejor que otras o que te interesan más que otras. Solo tienes que encontrar la manera de relacionar esos intereses con un trabajo que te gustaria hacer y que fuera util en estados unidos. Yo estaba en tu misma situacion hace dos años y me puse como loca a hacer tests de vocacion universitaria por internet (creo que lo llaman asi ) y me percaté que todos los tests me salía ingenieria como opcion, y me di cuenta de que es una carrera que combina todos mis intereses y era util en estados unidos y a parte muy emocionante. Yo hice tests pero tambien sirve pensar en un trabajo que te gustaria hacer y a partir de ahi buscar los estudios que te hagan falta (que si te sientes valiente los puedes buscar para hacerlos en usa y te libras de entrar de ilegal, un visaso de estudiante mola mucho) Tienes una manera de pensar muy buena, gente como tú hace cosas grandes, muchisisisima suerte.
Despite the USA being known of the land of "The Rich and Famous" most people live ordinary lives doing ordinary things. We are farmers, electricians, doctors, dentists, grocery clerks, and sales people...

To be extraordinary one does not need to be anything more than a better person dedicated to a cause. Average life is so often underrated. But, it's best to take up a cause and be an ambassador than strive for fame and fortune.
I don't think it matter where you are, it just matters how you respond to opportunities.And don't worry about your future too much. I spent a lot of time stressing over what I was going to study, and what career path I wanted, etc. But now I realise, I just need to let it happen. Things always fall into place, and you always end up doing exactly what's perfect in that time.I thought I'd leave school, study art, and god knows where I'd go from there.Instead I'm working in finance and studying to be a teacher. Completely different to what I thought I wanted, but it's perfect. I couldn't be happier.Just let things happen. You never know what opportunities will change your life.