I don’t believe the nice things people say to me.


While I say thank you just because I appreciate them taking the time out of their day to compliment me, there are a lot of things I don’t believe, such as:

“That’s a REALLY good drawing!” No, it and my drawing ability are both mediocre, but thank you anyways.

“Your hair looks so pretty!” I fried the fuck out of it and it’s not the length I want it, but thank you anyways.

“You’re so cute!” I’m actually vile and gross, but thank you anyways.

Etc. Etc. Of course I don’t SAY any of those comments to people – I just smile, say thank you, and move on, even though I don’t believe one word of it. Same with my boyfriend, he can say he loves me as much as he wants but deep down, I don’t believe that he does.

I don’t know, it’s very rude of me and unfair to them that their positive influences on my life are wasted on me. Still, I can’t force myself to believe it, just as I can’t force myself to believe in God. I don’t know what to do and why I feel this way. I’m very confused, can someone explain it?

Category: asked April 26, 2014

4 Answers

@littlelambii Haha, you're the second person to suggest that I'm "punishing" myself. I don't know how or why I'd be doing that, but I'll look into it. Maybe its subconscious or I'm just being melodramatic. Thank you
There is no such thing as an unfounded belief ; everyone believes something for some reason.

The Wizard's First Rule states that "almost anyone will believe almost anything, and a person will believe a lie because they either want it to be true, or because they are afraid that it is true."

So you have to deliberately and consistently pose the question to yourself in a variety of moods and situations "Why do I feel this way about myself?"

An interesting trick about the mind is that in that split moment before the mind comes up with a way to deflect a problem, due to the associative way our brains work, we automatically think of the reason we feel the way we do before we drown it out and cover it up to keep ourselves from thinking about it. So the more often you ask yourself this question, the more often you become familiar with that impulse of the origin of your issue!

Ask yourself the "whys" and "wherefores" of why you automatically deflect compliments; do you somehow WANT to be a mediocre, vile, gross person with fried-to-shit hair who has a boyfriend who only superficially says he loves her? Or are you afraid that you are mediocre, etc, and to the point that you automatically believe it is so?

I even have an article here from psychotherapist Gwen Randall-Young:

Toxic Thinking

“You can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future.” ~ Isak DinesenIt has been said that most of our time is spent thinking about the past or the future. Think about your own thoughts, and see if this is true for you. There is nothing wrong with fond memories, or looking forward to what lies ahead. This is all part of life.

The problem comes when time is spent on negative thoughts about the past, and on worry thoughts about the future. This kind of thinking has a huge impact on our quality of life. As I have so often written, negative thinking not only affects our mood and our outlook, it also affects our physical health as well.

There are a couple of things we can do to ensure our thoughts do not negatively affect our health. The first one is to discipline ourselves to focus only on the positives in the past. Everyone has some sadness in his or her past, some regrets, and perhaps wishes that some things could have been different. The past cannot be changed, however, so it is best to let all of those things go.

Similarly, when thinking of the future, we can try always to visualize positive outcomes. Indeed there are times when the future is not going to be positive, as when a loved one has a terminal illness, or when a break up or divorce is immanent, but we can resolve to do the best we can in dealing with these situations. These situations are real. The thoughts we really have to change are worry thoughts about things that might happen in the future.

Another thing we can do, if we are prone to negative thinking, is to practice thought stopping. As soon as you become aware that you are thinking negatively, you immediately imagine a big STOP sign, and do not go any further down that road. It takes some practice to be able to do this on a regular basis, because negative thought patterns are like a worn path across a grassy field. It is easier just to go down the worn path.

Think of thoughts like food we take into our bodies. Are our thoughts nutritious, building strength and good health, or are they toxic, weakening our immune system and contributing to illness and disease? It is important to detoxify our thinking. We eat three times a day, but we are thinking all the time.

Copyright © Gwen Randall-Young, All Rights Reserved.


Always remember that you deserve the same chance at pursuing your happiness as anyone else. Never allow anyone or anything to stifle your will to live happily; not family, nor friends, especially yourself!

Most importantly, never forget that you matter, and you are not alone.
Add a third person who thinks you are punishing yourself.
You are not allowing yourself to feel good feeling for some reason.
May be something in the past has happened to you or some one has treated you in a very negative way.
I say this because I was a child who was always told negative things.You cant do this,you cant do that right,you dont look like this etc,and most of my adult life believed this and so therefore found it hard to except anything nice said about me.
Im better now,much better,but I had to work hard on it.Let my husband and others say nice things with out mumbling under my breath.And Ill admit I had to allow my self to read scriptures and feel that God loves me too.
I also keep finding things to compliment about others,even it was some tiny thing like...wow I like that pink hasir clip,its a lovely shade. or Id say to some one,I like your shoes,just something small not even waiting to see if they respond,but just say it as passing to a stranger.Then its easy after a while to compliment my self ,looking in the mirror and seeing ive got great eyes! lovely long eye lashes that you'd want I am sure. lol .
I hope perhaps you can try this and see how it goes for you.Don't expect it to happen over night or youll be dissapointed,be patient! .
Baby steps ok!
Silly question here,but who is the Wizard?some mythical man of so called knowledge or something?? sorry! I just dont know who you are referring to Jonathan.