I am in love with somebody I can’t have, how I can I get over him?


I know that he doesn’t even know me, he is too old for me, and I don’t see anyone around me attractive, he is m everything…if only he knew. I need to get over him…so I could live normally.

Category: Tags: asked June 26, 2013

2 Answers

Falling out of love is far harder than falling into it. The best you can do is turn your attention to something else, not someone else. Rebounds or distractions are the worst kind of thing you want, because it will be full of comparisons and hidden agendas. Not a good thing in a relationship.Take up a new hobby or simply do something for yourself. The heart can't always get what it wants, but your head can turn away from the prospect of unrequited love. It will take time. A lot of it. But eventually, slowly, very much so, you'll be able to break away from the hold he has on your heart.I wish you all the best. Good luck.
usually the problem is not that you love him, the problem is that you can't have him. so it's not the love you need to be dealing with, it's the itching desire to own him. you see in him something that you desperately want or need in your life. a picture of yourself next to him; something you would gain as his significant other. i believe that's where the answer lies. if you manage to figure out what it is exactly that you see in him, you might be able to find it elsewhere, or to realize that perhaps you're fooling yourself altogether (which is quite often the case: we imagine that the person we love could solve all our inner and outer problems like a universal unconditionally-loving parent). good luck to you with getting over it!