How to stop comparing and love myself


How can i stop comparing myself to my best- friend. I hate her sometimes. Bcus i believe she is better than me. Everyone loves her. And she can be a attention seeker too. I think it can be jealousy. But i dont like this dark feeling. How do I love myself and stop comparing my life to hers and be happy with what i am and concentrate on polishing my abilities Becux with her i go back to my shell, I dont do things , dont open up with others when she is around. Thinking she’s better than me or she is gonna have things always better and the thing is she doesnt leave me alone either. Shes sweet to me and everything and when i try to keep my distance, she clings to me and doesnt leave me. So distancing is not an option

I dont want to feel this way. Help.

asked September 12, 2014

4 Answers

First of all, don't compare yourself to her, she is a different person from you. You are a unique individual. You have your own qualities which makes you as a person. Love yourself, stop trying to be perfect. Stop criticizing yourself for being less than perfect. Always do your best, but not reaching perfection is not failure. Do things that make you feel good about yourself, and remember that you both live different lives. Focus on making your life worthwhile so that you don't have to want the same things she does.We all have different gifts. When you compare yourself to others, it makes you feel bad about yourself. When you compare yourself to others for what they have, whether it is a car, a house, a mate, children, money, good height, a good physique or intelligence, or a job, it makes you feel low self esteem, lose your confidence, and perhaps depressed, envious or jealous. A way to stop comparing yourself to others is by focusing on your own strength. Get to know yourself, and discover what your greatest gift is that you are meant to share with the world. Another great way is by practicing gratitude. Be happy for what you have. Really be grateful about everything that you have; people in your life, job, relationships, material, etc. Gratitude keeps your heart open to love.In order to love yourself, you have to stop loving the person you wish you were and love the person you actually are instead. We can try and pretend to be someone that we're not, but in the end that only hurts us and the facade can't stay up forever. Just be the person that you are and learn to love yourself just like that.
by stopping is as simple as it sounds, but you complicate things way too much.
just tell yourself how much you love being you in the mirror everyday, and stop looking and people with eyes of jeoulsy and see things as they are, beautiful
"Everyone loves her. And she can be a attention seeker too."
"Becux with her i go back to my shell, I dont do things , dont open up with others when she is around."
people are going to respond to her in a more positive way as long as she is more outgoing around them than you are. when you retreat to this shell, they don't know it's because you don't feel confident. you may be coming off as withholding or judgmental. perhaps you could take a few leaves from her book. try to remember you are not acting like her, you are acting like a sociable, approachable person. she just happens to fall into that category as well. even if it's uncomfortable, even if it feels 'fake' at first, you'll soon find yourself adapting to the weather outside of your shell.
ever try setting goals for yourself then achieving them :P yeah if you want to be a better person set goals then achieve them. not that hard :P just a long process.