How to tell him my age is a lie?


I’m currently in a long distance relationship and I told my boyfriend that I am the same age as him (18) when in fact I am actually a year younger, 17. It made it easy to lie because although he is older, we are both in the same grade. I feel as though I act older than I am hence my motivation for telling the lie but all in all we are meeting soon and I want to tell him the truth. I’m really scared and nervous because I hate seeing him hurt. What’s the best way to go about telling him I’m not the same age as him?

Category: Tags: asked June 19, 2013

5 Answers

Seeing as it is such as a little white lie, I don't think he'll be massively offended if you just come clean (it may affect his behavior if you happen not to be in the age of consent in your state, though). However, this incident is useful a little preview of what can await you if you lie to someone dear. You become scared, alienated and anxious when all you should be is joyous that you finally meet.Come clean, explain your reasons and work on never having to put yourself in that situation again. That'd be what I'd do.
At first I thought it was going to be a more drastic difference in ages, but this isn't so bad. It will be a little harder if it's been made into a big deal, but if it's something you've only mentioned in passing, I don't think it will be much of a problem. He may be a little upset about the fact that you lied about it, but I doubt it will cause that much of a problem. I think you should definitely do it in person. It makes it easier to see that you're sincere, something that's very difficult with long distance. (I'm in a long distance relationship and I've known her for over 5 years now. Lots of experience here.) Tell him why you decided to lie and make sure he knows that you don't want to hurt him by telling him the truth now. The good thing is that you're of legal age at 17, so it's not like he's finding out that being with you could get him put behind bars. That, I'm sure, would have made him angry. You intentions are good and that's what's important. I hope he takes it well, sweetie. Good luck.
its only.a year , right ? just gonna mention what could happen if you tell him you could be thought of as a lying a deal breaker for him?.....or perhaps after telling him you lied he may have a real hard time beleving you ever again.....if you two stay togeher, will he bring the lie up during a dissagreement one day? ....would he question your answer if you were late comming home one night because say , you had a flat tire
Do it in person and do it soon. Don't procrastinate. It'll only make things worse. Goodluck!
all saying is that for one ear it worth it.....I mever promote lying, it is wrong on so many levels .....but , just putting what could happen out there, good luck