how to talk


I cant talk to anyone at all without feeling awkward. Its ruining my relationship. Ive always been kinda awkward but its never been this bad and i dont know what to do. When im by myself Im fine but its worse with my boyfriend I simply cannot talk to him, and when i do i feel like i sound stupid so I stop talking completely and i feel like its going end my relationship because he wants to actually be able to hold a conversation and i dont have anything to say to him. I dont have any friends now because they all think im boring. really i just like being alone, but i dont want to always be alone sometimes i want company and theres no one that wants to hang around me because i dont talk. im just fine if im texting. I dont know how to it and its really starting to make me sad. even now Im struggling to find the words to describe this. Im so scared that one day im not going to have anyone left because i never have anything to say. I think all day and yet nothing, i cant say anything to anyone thats worth them saying anything back to me. how do i overcome this.

Category: asked April 29, 2013

2 Answers

you just have to relax! i'm the same way. if you don't have anything to say, don't stress it. let other people make conversation and just go along with it. sometimes, people are just introverted, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! just make sure you're around people who tend to talk a lot, or don't mind that you don' if you start feeling anxious around other people, or start having panic attacks when you're expected to speak, i'd advise you to seek professional help. there's a difference between being an introvert and having social anxiety.
There is nothing to do, there is always something to talk about, ALWAYS. Yours only task is to find these things, for example, if your aware of what this person was up to on any given day, ask them how it went, ask them how their parents are, how school is, how work is. Ask them if there is anything they would like to talk about, its not what you say, its how you say it. Show them that you care. Don't be afraid of how they see you, simply speak your mind.