How to start a conversation with a guy online?


So I followed this cute guy on Instagram a few weeks ago and he followed me back immediately. Today he posted one of those “like for a tbh” photos so I liked it just to see what he would say and he said “tbh you are really pretty but I don’t know you” so I DMed him and told him he was attractive and that he should kik me.. Did this make me look dumb or desperate ? Please be honest. He did kik me like exactly a minute after I gave him my kik but so far all we’ve said is what’s up . How do I make a good conversation with him? (Ps I don’t know him in person, he was just sorta a random guy I found but he only lives like a state away).

asked September 23, 2014

2 Answers

just talk to him like you normally would to a friend, but of course since you're into him, make sure you flirt it up a bit lol. I usually bring up something stupid and entertain them when i find a cute girl online to talk to. also get to know him after you've got him comfortable with you, ask him questions. (like playing the game 20 questions)
Get to know him, ask him questions! Like, that's the best you can do! Also, keep it calm, don't get TOO excited or TOO calmed.