How to recover from abusiv relationship


I am 21. I grw up with an abusive family both mentally and physically. was never attractive so i never had a bf or first kiss till 19. fell for an abusiver who i thought was a gift from god to finally feel loved. he introduced me to a “prophet” who turned out to be a cult christian leader. fell for that for a year. which is why i dont believe in God anymore. I am still dealing with the after effects which are:


He told me tht my fam didnt love me, not to go to school, to not look for dance gigs bcuz he would provide and would get very angry when i tried. said i was money hungry. said i was all these things. the cult leader said God was gunna do this and that all while taking my money having me being delusional.

It was very hard for me to get a job bcuz i was so afraid of even the interviewer hurting me i could not open up. He made me believe i was a bad person for looking for a job and tht i was money hungry. I am still recovering. I JUST NEED HELP TO FINISH theres so many problems and im realizing they were the root to all of it its like finding old treasure but actually realizing its poison and trying to fix it im so tired i just want someone to hire me already so i can stop being sad

Category: asked May 12, 2014

1 Answer

I hope you are far away from those people as possible. Even if you don't believe in God anymore, you are in my thoughts and prayers; I pray for you and your recovery.Just look at the progress you made so far! I know how money can be tight. I had the same issue of low self-esteem. I say write down a list of all your strengths and weakness. If you do not know them; try taking a personality test online. Link 2 personality test Those are the innate things you have going. Look for ways to improve interview skills and know what employers are looking for. Being a caregiver is a good option. Just keep searching and don't get discouraged.I agree that finding a career is a good idea. A job can help you get there and help with finances. Going to school is a good option as schools often offer work study so you can get job experience there! I regret not doing work study but hope to in the future.Good luck! pm me if have any questions or need to vent.