how to overcome PROCRASTINATION?


okay after every exam i promise myself that i’ll never leave my syllabus for the night just before the exam…but i end up doing the same thing…not only exams i procrastinate things in my day to day life as well…please help..
thanking you in anticipation!

Category: asked May 24, 2014

7 Answers

Try thinking about tasks in terms of priority - decide what matters to you. Once you re-evaluate how important something is to do, it'll be easier to get it done. Remind yourself why you do things, too; why education is important to you, etc. It's not easy, but remember that a big task can be broken down into smaller, completely manageable pieces! Good luck.
Maybe it would help you if you thought about the consequences procrastination brings. That way, you'll be motivated in order to avoid them but if it feels to negative for you to do that, try doing my 2-minute rule (or maybe 5-second rule, depends on how fast you decide.) Here in this rule, you ask yourself this: Can I do it now? If yes, just do it. No questions asked, just do it. :)
I like to plan the day in half hour chunks when I have an exam coming, something like:10.00 - 10.30: Write down everything from lecture one11.30 - 12.00: Do the readings for lecture two.1.00-1.30: Test yourself on lecture one.
My only way is with lots of sleep and then caffeine! First you need to get a proper amount of sleep, or maybe even a little bit more. Then get yourself sufficiently caffeinated, and you will actually feel like getting something accomplished! Otherwise, you will pretty much just procrastinate on everything… forever.Also, I would recommend not trying to tackle more than one main thing per day. Get one thing solidly accomplished that you can feel good about, then take it easy and start drifting towards winding down for sleep to be well-rested and ready to go again tomorrow. If you burn yourself out trying to do too much… recognize that procrastination is a survival strategy of your subconscious mind… it's like scar tissue, in a sense… it's trying to prevent you from pushing yourself too hard and burning yourself to a husk.Slow and steady wins the race lol. :)
thanks @illusja and thanks @ariellemilady that 2 minute rule sounds really cool :)..but i don't know i always end up following the same old track...
thanks @MoonMist & @Moose @DepressedEternal i agree with you,i think doing one main thing per day will be helpful..thanks a lot :)
You're welcome, glad I could help! :)