How to lose weight?


I’m 13, very picky about food, overweight, and have terrible impulse control.

Category: Tags: asked March 3, 2015

5 Answers

Hey your only 13. Why are you worrying about your weight? But if you really really wanna lose weight. Eat healthier. I am also trying to lose weight. Try counting calories. More on fruits and vegetables and meat. Lessen rice.
The most helpful thing I can recommend is eat healthy, do lots or cardio and most importantly do not reward yourself with food, you're better than that! :)
If you want to lose weight and than keep it, you'll have to change some of your habits. For life. If you're really committed to this you need to do it safely and slowly.I don't know how much weight you want to lose. When we lose weight, our body changes. We might not be ready for that change, when it is too drastic. People who lose weight too quickly, usually don't have the time to get accustomed to it step by step and because of that don't feel good in their smaller bodies.
I mentioned changing habits. I don't know what your eating habits are. I advise you to start changing one habit at a time, not all of them at once. Some bad habits:
- eating food for comfort or out of boredom (not because of hunger)
- eating irregularly (outside of meals)
- too much sugar and salt in the diet
- too little exercise

Let's talk about exercise first. Aerobic exercise is the best for losing weight. 3 times a week for 30-45 minutes is a good start. If you don't exercise regularly and are just starting, it's important to avoid too intense exercise. It's good to make 1 or 2 minute breaks during the exercise as well. The point is that you start exercising regularly, not that you feel like your heart is going to burst out of your chest or that you can hardly even stand after you've finished.
Regardless of your weight, always start your exercise with a warm-up and very light stretching. Do the stretching exercises (lightly!) after you've finished as well.
Walking is more important for health than we usually think. Make sure you go for at least 30 minute walk (1 hour is even better) on the days you don't exercise.
If you're overweight according to BMI (body mass index), cycling or swimming are better choices than running. Running can be too hard on the knees, if you're not used to it.
Also know that muscles are heavier than fat tissue. It's not unusual that when you gain muscle mass your weight will go up a bit before it starts going down. However, your body will start looking different and getting a more lean shape.

About diet: it's important that you eat quality food and as little sugar or salty food as possible. If you feel like eating sugar, go for fruit instead of sweets. Stay away from soft drinks (soda) and drink tea or water instead. When you crave something sweeter fruit juices without added sugars are a good choice.

I already mentioned quality food. It's important that you eat regularly - it's best to eat 5 times a day. That means that you have meals at certain times - that is when you eat. Between the meals stay away from food, especially sweets.
Since we're talking about sweets - it's okay to have a dessert after lunch. Just make sure you eat lunch first and that you eat only one portion of it.

If you often eat food for comfort, start looking at what makes you emotional in the first place and try to deal with that - talk to someone (you can always find someone to talk to here) or go for a walk, when you prefer to deal with it alone. Stay away from food in those instances. Talk to someone instead.

I wish you all the best!
Baby steps! I understand that often with weight loss you want it to happen quickly, but if you're a picky eater maybe try to start off with introducing new foods into your diet as opposed to solely focusing on weight loss.

Like others have said you're only 13, try not to push yourself too hard, learn to cut yourself some slack. You mentioned impulse control which is why I think it'd be good to go into this slowly. If you try to be too strict and cut out all the "bad" junk food completely the likelihood is that you're going to end up being very unhappy, binging somewhere along the line and that's the last thing you want when trying to lose some weight.

When I was your age I started Slimming World which was fabulous. The main focus of it is purely eating healthier and starting to make better choices, not restricting your intake. There isn't any calorie counting, you have "free" foods which include all your fruits and veggies, you can have as many as you want. Because I was young I was told that I could have one "treat" a day, so a bag of crisps or a bar of chocolate. If you snack a lot try having your one bad treat then fill up on fruit and fat free yoghurt and stuff. But as I said maybe start off trying different foods so you aren't going into a regime where you're forced to eat foods you aren't too keen on or feel you don't have enough choice.

Most importantly try to stay positive and not get too obsessive about it. I'm not saying stuff like Slimming World and not counting calories is the best way, everyone is different, but it might be a good starting point. If you aren't losing weight then maybe tracking your calories is the best way for you but please don't get too hung up on it, it's a slippery slope. Calories are not the be all and end all, they're a guide and it'd probably be more beneficial tracking your macros, so your fat, carb and protein intake. An easy way of doing this is, you can track everything you eat, but again don't be too hard on yourself over numbers.

With regards to exercise try and find something that you enjoy. Even if it isn't a vigorous work out, any activity is better than none. Put your headphones in and go for a walk. If you have access to any consoles you could look into stuff like Wii Fit, or some kind of dancing game like Just Dance. Maybe you have friends that have the same kind of goals, you could discuss walking/jogging together. It's so much easier finding the motivation to do something that has an element of fun.

Think of this as a lifestyle change, not a quick diet fix. Write down why you'd like to lose some weight, talk to your parents if that's a possibility, gain support and of course everyone on here is happy to help. Good luck!
Weight loss is a journey, and progress is being made every day even if you can't see it right away. Most of losing weight is centered around your diet. Not necessarily eating less food, but more of eating the right kinds of foods. I saw that another commenter left you a detailed list of foods you could try so I won't waste time saying the same thing over. Try to incorporate a more balanced diet into your life -- complex carbs, fruits, vegetables, proteins, nuts, etc. And create a moderate exercise routine for yourself -- nothing too crazy at first, especially if you are not used to heavy or vigorous movement. Ease yourself into your diet and your routine. It'll be worth it! A healthy lifestyle is key to a healthy body and a healthy mind (: