How to help my sister?


Me and my sister fight everyday. For years she told me things like,” I hope you die, I hate you, go to hell, your a whore ( never had sex or made out with anyone ) dumbass, bitch, and sometimes she will tell me no one cares about me.
I say stuff back to her, angry stuff like fat ass, bitch, and lately I’ve even stooped as low as calling her a piece of shit.
I HATE that we act like this, but I’ve dealt with her words for so long, and I can’t even sleep at night if I don’t try to make it better before I go to bed. I don’t want anything to happen, and the last thing she ever heard from me is I hate you..

She slept for 20 hours yesterday, while I practiced lines for the musical I’m in ( she quit ), I spent time talking to my mom during her 2 job, while she slept. I mean when she’s not sleeping she is eating or on youtube/tumblr. It’s just like she hates the world. She stopped caring…. :(

I told her I was done with her and the fighting today, and she told me to shut up, but I guess she felt bad, so she did a few nice thing like give me some money to but a snack, and tell me some riddle.
She is sleeping right now..
My mom is stressed out with the jobs, and she never had good parents, so she doesn’t know what to do in this situation. She is as lost as I am.
The last straw was when, two days in a row, she fought with me in class. She is just irritable.
I know she hangs out with a girl who gets high during school. I don’t want my sister to hate the world and get high…

Does anyone have any ideas to help her?

Category: Tags: asked January 13, 2014

2 Answers

Well I could be over reading this but it sounds like your sister might be dealing with something big. I'm not a professional but from what you have mentioned, she may be depressed. I doubt that she means any of the harsh words she had said to you. Her acts of remorse state that. I understand your worry for your sister. May be you should express some concern. Maybe simply say that you're worried about her and that you care about her. You could also ask if she wants to talk to someone or if there is anything she wants to do. If her behavior persists or she pushes you away, consulting a professional may be best. She may not be open to help but her behavior suggests she may need it. You might also consider consistently doing small things to help her out or make her happy. You may not see any immediate changes but she will notice your efforts. I hope this helps.
Sounds like your sister is going through some serious depression and low self esteem issues. This could be a medical problem, a personality disorder, hormonal imbalance or something as simple as being ignored by a guy she might like.Things that would help her are going outside regularly, exercise, and seeing a medical and behavioral therapist to figure out what is disrupting her life this much. Depression is really hard to deal with and the depressed person feels like they have no energy or control over how they feel, so I really suggest your mom get her to a doctor for a thorough check up and mention ALL her current abnormal behaviors. If she insists she is fine or she doesn't want to go, don't back down, get her the help she needs.FYI, the verbal insults and harassment is actually a form of abuse. I want you to know this for future reference. Verbal/mental abuse in many cases is much worse than physical abuse and you need to recognize it is happening and make a big deal about it so that it does not continue, its very detrimental to your mental health and your overall happiness.Good job for looking for answers to help your sister.... I hope she finds help for her depression. Try to be there for her as much as you can and not to react too much to her moods, when I was depressed thats the type of behavior that helps me most from my family.