how to get a friend of the opp gender to like you more than a friend


Me and this girl have been friends for about a year now. Like the impulsive bitch i am i told her i liked her. She said the obvious response of i only like you as a friend. Since then my feelings for her have only gotten stronger. So again i told her and she already knew. She even tried to make her self like me more than a friend ;which made me feel like an asshole for bringing it up again. But it also made me like her even more. Did shrooms with her had so much fun and if you havnt been following the plot that made me like her more. Eventually told her i cant stop liking her. She said i know and you probably never will i wish you could have a girlfriend who likes you. Now when i even stand to close to her it actually physcally and mentally hurts me. Please give me a way to at least have her try being more than friends. -leo

Category: Tags: asked November 14, 2013

1 Answer

Unfortunately there is no magical potion or method that makes someone like you. Since you've told her multiple times and she still said no I think you should respect her opinion. Like I said you can't force someone to like you, and if you try to guilt her into a relationship you'll see that it won't be fair towards you or her. So I would say try to move on from it, sure the feelings will still be there but there isn't much else you can do, hopefully you'll meet someone else who will be interested. So just enjoy the friendship that you do have with her and respect her decision.