How to deal with traveling anxiety.


So, I’ve become a pro at dealing with my anxieties, however, recently, they’ve hit me at full force. I don’t want to leave my house anymore and when I do, I always want to go home. It’s like I feel like a little kid getting homesick at a sleepover… So here’s the real issue. I’m suppose to go to Florida in a few weeks with my two best friends. We’re gonna road trip down there and spend some time in Orlando, but I’m like extremely nervous about it. We did it last year and I was fine, but since this anxiety has gotten worse, I’m iffy on it. It’s scary cause I’m so far away from home and if I don’t even want to leave my house I feel like I can’t go 1200 miles away from it. I don’t want to upset them and say I’m not going last minute cause that will make me feel like a horrible person so I’m like stuck.
Any advice?

Category: Tags: asked July 11, 2014

5 Answers

Are you worried about something happening to it? or Just not wanting to get out of your comfort zone?
Don't run way from it, face your fears and you will be better off! Try to figure what really makes you anxious, is the journey or the new place or just going away from home? Think about it for sometime, and tell yourself that you CAN do it! Organise everything before you travel, and travel light. Have someone to call at home, it'll make you feel less homesick. And you are going with your bestfriends, so you will stay distracted. Have fun, and plan ahead. If possible talk to a professional, best of luck :)
It's your choice to go or not. Do what you feel is right. If you can relax completely, you'll likely make the best decision....honestly though going to Florida will probably be a blast!
From a pro of anxiety to a pro of anxiety. We know that there is no way that we can deal with it if it is not by convincing our brain that there is nothing wrong about it, and it's the truth! The world is an amazing place and it's a shame that we need to suffer to get to see it. Find out the root of this fear or at least what is the things that make you run back to your home. Does it get better if you are entertained? Because for me it does so I just try to make my brain always be occupied and I told my friends I had this problem so they could make me feel better. What I also did is to tell my brain that my home is actually my bed, because it's a place only for myself and it's a safe place. So when I travel my "house" changes, now it's the hotel's bed or the camp's bed where I sleep in and I can feel "safe" again if I'm in my bed.
It sounds as though your anxiety is slowly getting worse, as opposed to better, so I wonder if perhaps speaking with a professional about how to manage this and cope with these fears would be beneficial for you. I think some of the tips that TheGenius333 has given might work for you, as well as practising mindfulness (