How to deal with people who get angry when you don’t agree with them?


I’m a bit of a dilemma. I have a friend who, when faced with an opposing opinion, will attack me or refuse to rationalize their point. Disagreeing with a person at a point and time does NOT mean that I’m against them. I’m willing to listen to their point, and maybe even change my mind if they present it in a respectful, concise way. I’ve been told that I’m ‘passive-aggressive’, and that I ‘always have to be right’. I don’t get anything out of ‘being right’, and I’m pretty certain I’m not being passive-aggressive because my intentions are not malicious. I think my friend feels personally attacked, so when she feels cornered she’ll start dishing out the accusations. Those accusations tend to cut deep.

Without being a pushover, and allowing yourself to be compromised, how do you deal with people who get angry when threatened with another opinion? For the life of me, I can’t figure out how to deal with this problem. Just thinking about it is exhausting. When this happens, there usually ends up being hurt feelings. Do I fight for my self expression, or do I back down to avoid a temper tantrum???

Category: Tags: asked April 18, 2014

4 Answers

First thing you should do, is determine if you really DO 'always have to be right'. And about your friend, tell her/him that you aren't trying to attack them with your opinion, or point of view. That you are just trying to tell them yours, just like they are giving you theirs. They should respect that you have your opinions and listen to them. Be honest with your friend and tell them how you feel about them feeling attacked just because you give them your opinion.
When you feel she gets too much involved, or starts to make personal remarks about you, tell her you are not going to discuss like this, so she either calms down and not attack you, or the conversation is done; and if she goes on, leave.
Another option to deal with unending disagreement is to not going on discussing the topic you disagree on. So change topic.
You want her to be a friend , be a friend. Sounds like she doesn't want a debate partner.
I didn't say I was debating. I just don't want someone to tell me to shut up just because they don't like what I have to say.